Andrea Hutcherson
Senior Developer

At Forum, Andrea serves as the Senior Developer and leads the charge in all things technical. With over 15 years in the industry, she understands how vital it is to have a strong online presence that fits a client’s needs while still being useful, beautiful, and creative.
Never afraid to jump right in, she thoroughly enjoys discovering new ways of building things and keeping up to date on the latest industry trends. Andrea recognizes that every business is unique and has its own challenges and loves working with clients and the Forum team to create custom website solutions that really stand out in a crowd.
Passionate. Driven. Lover of art and all things musical.
Email Development Tips and Tricks
Andrea HutchersonJanuary 24, 2020
by Andrea Hutcherson, senior developer Email marketing is still an extremely popular – and effective – tool for communicating with loyal customers as well as staying in contact with...
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