A day in the life: Katie Dubnik, President

Name: Katie
What is your title? President
What does that mean? On our website, it says it means I am “the visionary and connector.” But what I really think it means is that I have had the privilege of growing, leading and developing a business along side some of the best industry experts in our field, around a set of core values important to us all and with our clients’ best interests in mind. By doing so we have been able to deliver a quality product in which we are focused on achieving each clients’ goals and objectives.
What’s your favorite thing about the Forum culture? I tell people all the time that I have the honor of working with the dream team. Each team member is an expert in their own right, but they also are the ultimate team players. This helps us offer a level of expertise to our clients that is second to none. What I love is that this team does not see their job as work, but as their passion, and it makes all the difference in the end result of their work. Oh and did I mention that they all genuinely enjoy working together! I do not take that for granted…ever!
What social media platform do you use most often? I do what I affectionately refer to as Facebook and Instagram stalking. Meaning, I like to follow all of my friends, but you will rarely find me posting myself.
What might you find yourself doing around 10 a.m. on a regular work day? At 10 a.m. on a regular work day, I am usually finishing up my strong cup of half-caff coffee and getting into my grove for the day.
What motto do you live by? “Life is a musical.” Music has a way to carry you through any situation and evoke your soul like very few other things. This motto helps me keep life in perspective and find enjoyment in the messy 80’s hair band moments, as well as find fulfillment in the perfect symphony orchestra days when everything seems to flow in one accord. I try to take advantage of the opportunities life presents. When I fail, I learn from it and grow, and when I succeed I take time to celebrate! But what it means to my teammates is that they have to live in fear that at any moment I may break out into that perfect show-tune or song that I believe best depicts the situation at hand!
What time do you get up? 6:30 a.m.
How many times do you snooze? At least once.
When you aren’t working what are you doing? Spending time with my family or volunteering somewhere in the community.
Tell us about your family. I have a wonderful husband, Matthew, who is also a Forum team member. I have two boys, James (7) and Davis (4), a chocolate lab named Burton, a sister who lives next door to me with her husband and my two nieces, a wonderful father, three living grandparents, and two guardian angels – my mom and grandfather. And a Partridge in a pear tree (well, not that last thing, but it’s that perfect song thing I mentioned before).
Describe yourself in one word. Persistent