A day in the life: Caroline Scruggs

Name: Caroline Scruggs
What is your title? Strategic Marketing Associate
What does that mean? This means I have the opportunity to touch an engagement every step of the way. Sometimes I will see a project from start to finish, other times I have the opportunity to have my hands in a more specific piece of a client’s project such as writing, graphic design, or social media. I am lucky enough to get to explore several different outlets of the marketing process.
What’s your favorite thing about the Forum culture? Not only is our team truly a family, but we consider our clients family too. We take pride in these relationships and are committed to presenting clients with the most polished products.
If you weren’t working at Forum, what do you think you would be doing? I’d probably be getting another degree or expanding my knowledge of web/app programming at a campus like General Assembly. Both are big goals of mine, and are in the queue for the next 5-10 years.
What social media platform do you use most often? I would have to say it’s a big tie between Snapchat and Instagram for me. I’m a true millennial. I like to be in the know. What hot new brand should I be following? What’s are my friends up to this weekend? What are the lastest fashion trends?
What might you find yourself doing around 10 a.m. on a regular work day? On my second cup of coffee, blasting music and putting my nose to the grindstone.
When you aren’t working what are you doing? Trying new restaurants with friends, working out at Orangetheory or exploring the latest release on Spotify.
Describe yourself in one word: Ambitious.