A Day in the Life: Emily DeWitt

Emily joins the Forum team as our new Project Manager, bringing with her a wealth of experience and expertise in helping us streamline the website development process for our clients. We are so glad Emily has become a part of the Forum fam! Read on to learn more about her.
What does your job title of “project manager” mean?
My job is to keep the website design and development process flowing as smoothly as possible from the first client meeting to the launch of the website (and beyond!). I also build websites, provide ongoing website support, and train clients to use their website to grow their business and/or advance their mission.
What’s your favorite thing about the Forum culture?
My teammates are so encouraging and helpful. No one has hesitated to take time out of their day to provide support, advice, or simply a warm welcome.
What social media platform do you use most often?
What might you find yourself doing around 10 a.m. on a regular work day?
I would likely find myself sipping coffee and working on a website or preparing a project update for a client. My background music would depend on the type of work I was doing, but I’ve recently been listening to a lot of soul and Americana.
What motto do you live by?
‘No grit, no pearl’
What time do you get up?
Usually around 6:45am.
How many times do you hit snooze?
Unfortunately, our 11-month-old doesn’t have a snooze button!
When you aren’t working what are you doing?
I enjoy cooking with my husband, taking walks around our neighborhood, listening to podcasts, and spending time with my family in the area.
Tell us about your family
My husband and I live in Alpharetta, Georgia. We have an 11-month-old daughter, Cecilia, and a sweet terrier mutt named Rupert. We recently moved back to Georgia after living out of state for about 10 years, so it has been great being close to family again!
Describe yourself in one word